Arkansas Resources

The American Association of Law Libraries' Online Legal Information Resources notes the official status of each state's primary law publications found on government websites, including statutes.

The National Conference of State Legislatures published a list of official state code publications, and their available formats, based upon a 2011 survey of Official Version of the State Statutes/Code.

Historical State Statutes in General

Legislative History


Research Guides

More Legislative History Information

In Lexis, full-text bills, advance legislative service, and legislative bill history may be found in Statutes and Legislation. It also offers an Archived Code Search.

In Bloomberg Law, text of enacted legislation may be found through State Laws & Regulations.

LLMC Digital may contain digitized historical senate and house journals as well as historical state statutes and/or session laws (Online Services > Browse Collections > U.S. States and Territories > State Name > Legislative).

State Legislative Sourcebook (in print, Call Number: Reference Desk JK2495 .S689), though ceased in 2021, is a 50-state guide on legislative information resources. In addition to providing the location of a state's legislative documents, it also includes sources for tracking services, document mailing services and best live person initial contact.