Yes or No Questions

When a question has two possible responses, like Yes/No or True/False, it's known as a dichotomous question. Click a scenario below for instructions on how to best set up this type of question:

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Yes/No question where people can explain their choice

  1. Add a Multiple Choice question with only one answer choice allowed.
  2. Enter two answer choices: Yes and No
  3. Edit the question options to add "Other".
  4. "Other" should be displayed as a comment field. Learn more »
  5. Edit the Label to say, "Please explain why:"
  6. Click Save.

Yes/No question where people have to explain their choice

  1. Add a Multiple Choice question with only one answer choice allowed.
  2. Enter two answer choices: Yes and No
  3. Add a Single Textbox question asking respondents to explain their choice.
  4. Make both questions required to answer. Learn more »

Yes/No question where people only have to explain why they chose No

  1. Add a Multiple Choice question with only one answer choice allowed.
  2. Enter only one answer choice: Yes
  3. Edit the question options to add "Other".
  4. "Other" should be displayed as an answer choice. Learn more »
  5. Edit the Label to say, "No because:"
  6. Click Save.