National Youth Policy

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The National Youth Policy was developed in 2000 to provide an enabling framework for the development and empowerment of youth in a comprehensive, coordinated and multi-sectoral manner. The policy seeks to ‘empower the youth by creating an enabling environment and marshaling the resources necessary for undertaking programmes and projects to fully develop the youths’ mental, moral, social, economic, political, cultural, spiritual and physical potential in order to improve their quality of life’. However, since it was developed in 2000, some important developments have occurred at the national, regional and international levels that have necessitated the Government of Zimbabwe to review the Policy to determine that it becomes consistent with these developments and the current youth situation.

The Revised National Youth Policy of Zimbabwe highlights the priorities and strategies to be adopted by Government and stakeholders to ensure the development and empowerment of our youth. This revised Policy underlines the desired need to see young people contribute positively to national development through the creation of an enabling environment which allows for youth to reach their full potential. The formulation of this revised Policy has seen my Ministry together with the Zimbabwe Youth Council actively engaging the youth and interested Parties with a view of soliciting ideas for inclusion in the Policy. If a Policy does not capture the needs of its clientele and is driven by such needs, it will fail to fulfil its purpose. This National Youth Policy therefore reflects the commitment by Government to meeting the needs and aspirations of young people as expressed by the youth themselves.

The policy is consistent with the Constitution of Zimbabwe and major regional and international Conventions and Agreements that the Government of Zimbabwe is Party to. It is based on a set of eleven guiding principles and values that have influenced its design and direction. These principles and values lay the foundation on which the goals, objectives and strategies of the policy have been formulated.


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